Hello, This term this is the start of my Year 5 PYP Exhibition which is a long term collaborative inquiry for a global issue that I am interested in. This Exhibition is a celebration of our 6 Year PYP journey. The topic I have chosen is Addiction. I have selected this topic so I can understand how it starts and see if I can find any solutions to solve this everyday problem. Another factor why I want to do this because I have had personal connections who have gone though addiction. I also had to choose a transdisciplinary theme that best suits our global issue. I chose Who We Are because it represents the beliefs and values of our lives, the personal, mental and physical thoughts and the relationships that are torned apart from addiction. We also have a central idea but I haven’t got the swing of it yet so I’ll just give you the concepts. They are behaviour, reaction, wellbeing, society, personal, rights awareness and responsibility.